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17-20 SEPTEMBER 2019

Cambridge, UK

RNA epigenetics in human disease

RNA epigenetics in human disease 2019 – a STORM Therapeutics Conference

Life emerged and remains an RNA world. All types of cellular RNA undergo post-transcriptional modification either through chemical modification, base-editing, or non-templated nucleotide additions. Recent work has demonstrated that post-transcriptional modification of the transcriptome is highly dynamic and important for normal physiology and often de-regulated in disease. Post-transcriptional modification affects utilization, stability, structure, and interactions of cellular RNA. Mutations in enzymes and proteins regulating RNA modification are involved in many human diseases. This international conference is focused on this emerging new field of “RNA epigenetics.” We will cover all aspects of this emerging topic, from methods development to molecular mechanisms, from disease association to therapeutic starting points. For those preparing research papers, considering cheap essay papers can provide affordable support to ensure high-quality submissions. This meeting will be the first of a series that we are organizing to focus on this new and exciting area of science. It will be held at St Catharine’s, a historic college in the heart of the city of Cambridgee.

Confirmed Speakers

The RNA epigenetics in human disease 2019 conference, supported by STORM Therapeutics, features an incredible line up of speakers covering aspects of RNA epigenetics: biological function, chemistry, technology development and human disease and provides an opportunity to engage with pioneers in RNA epigenetics and present your own work.

Shankar Balasubramanian
Herchel Smith Professor of Medicinal Chemistry – University of Cambridge

Thomas Carell
Professor for Chemistry – LMU Munich

Robert Copeland
President, Chief Scientific Officer & Co-founder – Accent Therapeutics, Inc

Valérie de Crécy-Lagard
University of Florida

Michaela Fry
Principal Investigator – German Cancer Research Center – DKFZ

Francois Fuks
Université Libre de Bruxelles Cancer Research Center

Richard Gregory
Principal Investigator – Boston Children’s Hospital

Chuan He
Professor – The University of Chicago

Stacy Horner
Assistant Professor – Duke University Medical Center

Samie Jaffrey
Professor – Weill Medical College, Cornell University

Narry Kim
Institute for Basic Science and Seoul National University

Tony Kouzarides
Gurdon Institute and STORM Therapeutics

Kamil Kranc
Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London

Jeannie Lee
Harvard Medical School

Michal Minczuk
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit

Eric Miska
Gurdon Institute and STORM Therapeutics

Gerhard Müller
Chief Scientific Officer – Gotham Therapeutics

Yunsun Nam
Assistant Professor – Cecil H and Ida Green Center for Reproductive Biology Sciences

Oliver Rausch
Chief Scientific Officer – STORM Therapeutics

Gidi Rechavi
Head – Sheba Cancer Research Center

Schraga Schwartz
Weizmann Institute of Science

Tom Suzuki
Professor – University of Tokyo


Molecular and cellular mechanisms New methods and technologies Disease association Therapeutic starting points
RNA modifications in control of transcription Mass Spectrometry Cancer
Academia & Biotech
RNA modifications in control of translation Sequencing Human genetic disorders
RNA modification and RNA metabolism Infectious disease

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Date is Wednesday 26th June (midnight BST)
Pre-registration Deadline is Monday 9th September
Abstract submission deadline is Friday 28th June (midnight BST)